Balloon Service Options
(Elaborate) Building Time Based on $70 per hour Time for Building (If the building process is used as an entertainment demonstration for an event or festival, the price raises to $110 per hour). Price may also vary due to cost of speciality balloons or if additional materials are required for the custom creation (examples include Chrome or Neon balloons, use of glow in the dark paint, numerous lights, etc.). If delivering within a 10-mile radius of my location, a delivery fee is included. If a distance is greater than 10 miles, a $.50 per mile fee is added as a delivery fee.
Additionally, I am able to perform anywhere in the Nationally and Internationally, however I must recieve proper resources to get to the location. If am booked for events out of state, if an event is 8 hours or more away from Orlando, Florida, I require a flight to and from the location and lodging for the event. Events that are less than 8 hours (tip of Georgia, Alabama and South Carolina) a rate of .60 per mile will be added with my travel and lodging may also be a requirement. Also if booked in a state requiring me to fly, either picking me up from the airport or additional compensation to rent a vehicle may be required.
Mini Sculptures (Individual Handheld):
1 minute to 25 minutes per balloon
$2-$40 per Balloon (Depending on Complexity and Size).
Small Sculptures:
$20-$120 (Depending on Complexity) Per Balloon
Usually 1 to 2 1/2 Feet Tall
Generally takes 25 minutes to 2 hours.
Medium Sculptures:
$40-$180 (Depending on Complexity)
Usually 2-4 Feet Tall
Generally takes 40 minutes to 3 Hours
Large Sculptures:
$100-$500 (Depending on Complexity and Size)
Usually 3-7 feet in length and/or height
Generally 2 hours to 7 1/2 hours.
Can be woven into a costume or puppet. *
Extra Large Sculptures
Usually 5 to 10 feet in length and/or height
Generally 5 hours to 17 hours
Can be woven into a costume or puppet. *
[May require either on-site building (cost-effective) or truck rental (more costly but the balloon is delivered with minimum assembly on-site) Balloons may have lights added for After Party Events or Raves].
Mega Balloons
Usually 10-35 feet in length and/or height.
Generally 10 to 55 hours to complete.
Can be woven into a costume or puppet.
[May require either on-site building (cost effective) or with truck rental (more costly, however balloon will be delivered to destination with minimal on-site assembly.)Balloons may have lights added for After Party Events or Raves.]
Note: All parties include singing and highly interactive entertainment. For larger parties and events, a 2 hour minimum is required. After the first hour, parties can be charged by every 30 minutes.
Tier 1: $150/hr
This package is perfect for Classic simple balloon art Perfect for 1st birthday parties and events with Massive amounts of people! This particular Party package includes swords, flowers, dogs and other creations that can be made in 3 minutes or less guaranteed!
30 seconds - 3 minutes
20 to 35 people in an hour
Tier 2: $175/hr
This party package is my most popular package And the package where you get the most Bang for your buck ! With over 12000 balloons to choose from, The majority of those balloons I am able to make with this package! These include various characters, a plethora of animals and even elaborate swords, flowers and princesses!
2 minutes - 7 minutes per balloon
8 to 24 people in an hour
Tier 3: $200/hr
This package Involves my premium balloons. Generally, only a smaller group or a longer time is needed for this package, however I can make anything you can think of with This event style! Anything from Elaborate characters, partial costumes, And elaborate props can be made using this package! This package is best used for individual prizes or small group meetings, as every balloon will be a work of art.
7 to 17 minutes per balloon
4 to 8 people per hour
Party and Event Reel
Public Speaking:
As an entertainer and individual on the Autism Spectrum, Bruce is able to present his unique perspective on growing up with Asperger Syndrome. Through his panel, Twisting Up the Odds, Bruce leads a Q &A discussion on what it means to be on the spectrum, what it took to overcome many of the challenges he faced and live demonstrations of the balloon sculpting and other talents which assisted Bruce on his journey to where he is today.
Price for 1 Hour Presentation: $400 plus travel expenses. May have two hours of balloon entertainment added for $350.